Thanks for that lovely introduction Kaushik (whose post you may find here). We, as a part of the Chennai Bloggers Club are doing the “CBC Tablog 3” and this post is a part of the same. CBC is a Facebook group of bloggers related to Chennai which started out as a vetti group but now brings out the voice of Chennai! This tablog is about a blend of traditional and mordern Chennai.

I would like to start the post with something I say quite often, especially in a conversation with a non-Chennaiite – “my city has one leg in tradition and the other one in trendy times; and hence she will move at her own pace…” Probably that is how we have blended and made a unique culture for ourselves.


The same place where filter coffee is to die for, also has long queue in Starbucks.

Where upanyasam is popular and performed in English.

People wait till the clock strikes 12 to drink at a party, because that day was new moon’s.

Fridays are casual wear days at office; but for some it is an extra-formal-saree day.

There is an online registration and booking to get appointment with astrologers.

We celebrate Dhoti day; we also celebrate Valentine’s day.

That is Chennai to you 🙂

The next in the series is Madhvi, who writes at She is a marketeer by profession and and has a passion for singing and writing; she writes in genres ranging from fiction to questions and ringing bells.

– Until next,

Vid 🙂

P.S: It is quite probable my next post might come up for the next tablog!